Benefits of mango for health

Manga Benefits Infographic

1. Fighting diabetes

Mango is an excellent ally in the treatment of diabetes due to the large amount of fiber it presents. Research developed by the University of São Paulo (USP) concluded that mango is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber capable of reducing blood glucose levels. At the end of the analysis, scientists found that patients with diabetes who consumed mango had about 107 mg/dl of blood glucose. While those who did not feed on the fruit had indices of 330 mg/dl.

2. Relieves constipation

If you suffer from constipation, the mango can be a food that will relieve your symptoms. About 300 grams per day of fruit (one unit) is enough to fight the disease, as the mango has laxative effect. The data are from a study conducted by Texas A&M University in the United States. The fruit still has potential for those who have Crohn’s disease for its anti-inflammatory action in the intestine.

3. Prevents cancer

The same research also revealed that mango stimulates the production of short-chain fatty acids in the body. That is, it releases molecules that decrease the risk of infections and tumors in the gut region. Thus, the fruit can reduce the possibilities of developing bowel cancer. In addition, several types of mango have a good amount of polyphenols and pectin, substances that help prevent and fight colon, breast and prostate cancer.

4. Protects the heart

Eating two parts of mango daily can prevent heart diseases such as hypertension and heart attack – especially in women. The conclusion is from a study by the University of California (United States), which reveals that due to the high presence of polyphenols (substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties), mango is a great option to protect the heart. After 14 days of consuming mango, 24 volunteers had more balanced levels of heart rate, blood pressure and breathing.

5. Lowers bad cholesterol

Due to the presence of vitamin C, it is believed that daily consumption of mango is able to significantly reduce bad cholesterol levels. It is worth remembering that high amounts of bad cholesterol cause obstruction of the arteries and thus increase the risks of infarction.

6. Strengthens immunity

According to the nutrologist Paula Vasconcelos, precisely because it contains enough vitamin C and vitamin A, mango is indicated for strengthening the immune system. Therefore, it helps in fighting infections and inflammations, protecting the body from diseases.

7. Slows aging

For its antioxidant effects, mango has been widely used in skin care products. No for nothing: the properties of the fruit fight aging and thus make the skin even more beautiful.

8. Protects the skin

If you want beautiful and healthy skin, know that the sleeve has photoprotective action, protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Although sunlight is beneficial to bones and vitamin D formation, constant exposure can cause burning, redness, premature aging and diseases such as skin cancer.

9. Moisturizes hair

For those who have dry hair, the sleeve is able to moisturize the strands and make them more defined. After all, mango oil, extracted from the fruit pit, has vitamins and components such as calcium, phosphorus and iron – able to nourish the hair and make them healthy. It is indicated for those who have curly or curly hair; or for people who stay long under the sun, sea water or pool.

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