We have new boxes, but our mangoes taste the same!
Coming up next… palmer mangoes week 36, quality never ends, week after week bringing you the best products. Call our EU sellers: +31 615694539 Andre – Netherlands/EU +351 934674593 Carlos …
Coming up next… palmer mangoes week 36, quality never ends, week after week bringing you the best products. Call our EU sellers: +31 615694539 Andre – Netherlands/EU +351 934674593 Carlos …
New week begins and one more ship has just arrived in Rotterdam, contact our sellers. Enjoy. Contact us! [email protected] M +31 615 694 539.
Ontem visitamos um dos maiores portos do mundo (Algeciras, Espanha). Lá vimos a qualidade de nossas mangas que acabaram de chegar do Brasil. A manga é bonita e pronta para …
Yesterday we visited one of the largest ports in the world (Algeciras, Spain). There we saw the quality of our mangoes that just arrived from Brazil. The mango is beautiful …
Clientes degustam nossas mangas no supermercado Hortifruti na Barra da Tijuca, Rio de janeiro. Um trabalho em andamento, fazendo com que os clientes provem frutas de qualidade com um sabor …
Clients tasting mangoes in Hortifruti, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. A work in progress, making clients taste the flavor of quality fruits.
One more cargo for Rotterdam unloading today! We also have 2 containers coming by 25th July in Algeciras. Call to our sellers we will be happy to attend.
Hoje foi dia de recebermos nossas mangas aqui em Rotterdam . Para informações sobre vendas entre em contato teremos prazer em atendê-lo.
We are sending mangoes by maritime transport, but they are going to get to your tables with the same quality of the mangoes by air transport.